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Wavegarden Takes Surfing Inland With Perfect Artificial Waves

Wavegarden Article by Gizmodo on Surf Park Central

May 17, 2012 – “Imagine you’re hundreds of miles from the sea – you climb over a grassy hill and come upon a lake with perfect surf just waiting for you and your board. Spanish engineering firm Instant Sport is setting about making this scenario a reality with its custom-built Wavegarden. While artificial waves are far from new, engineer Josema Odriozola and sports economist Karin Frisch claim that their brainchild can bring an ocean-like break to land-locked surfers, body boarders and kayakers alike using less energy than any other existing wave generator to date.” – Read the full article by Randolph Jonsson at


Wavegarden Schematic for Future Wave Pools and Surf Parks

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