Mason Ho is the world’s most entertaining surfer. Hands down. The way he views waves — and the world — is different from the rest of us, and it shows every time he stands up on a surfboard. While this is not the first edit from the Palm Springs Surf Club test facility, it’s definitely the most fun one yet. In the edit above, Mason spends a day (alongside his sister Coco) making the PSSC uniquely his: From fins first tubes, to acid drops, and wall rides/board slides, Mason’s approach in Palm Springs is unrivaled, and truly looks like the most fun anyone could ever have on a surfboard. Combining his time in the PSSC tub with a stop in Joshua Tree and a (extremely dangerous looking) skateboard run down the defunct Wet ’N Wild waterslide, this is what it’s like to take a surf trip to California’s Pam Desert — something we’ll all be able to do in the very near future.

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