Press Release via The Wave Bristol & Wave Loch
The Wave Bristol has changed the wave-making technology it will be using in order to deliver more waves per surfing session and a better experience for all. After many months of research it has now signed Heads of Terms with Wave Loch LLC to utilise its ground-breaking new SurfPool technology.
Founder Nick Hounsfield explains why they have made the decision to use this technology:
“At the heart of our project is the vision of a beautiful lake with the ability to create perfect peeling, ocean-like waves, where people of all ages, backgrounds and abilities can experience the joy of surfing. We realised that if we were to meet this core aim then we would need to ensure that the surfing lake really works for beginners and improvers – which means a high frequency of waves to practice on. We are not blessed with a tropical climate in the UK, so when people are in the water they need to be active with lots of opportunities to ride waves.
For the last 5 years we have been keeping a close eye on all developments in wave-making technology and we were aware of Wave Loch and its long history of wave generation expertise. On further analysis we discovered that its new SurfPool technology could deliver 6-8 waves per minute and with left and right breaks across three zones this has the potential to get 6 people riding each wave. This will mean a fantastic surfing experience for all levels of surfer in terms of waves ridden, with people able to catch 15-20 waves per hour.
The technology also gives the ability to easily change the height and shape of the wave for advanced and professional surfers, which meets our aim of holding surfing competitions and having a High Performance Surfing Centre at The Wave. Surf fitness is core to our vision and we think it is essential that surfers should paddle back to the take off zone and get the strength they need to be able to transfer skills to the ocean environment. The Wave Loch SurfPool technology makes this possible. ”

Master Plan of The Wave Bristol surf venue set to feature Wave Loch’s SurfPool technology in the UK
The Wave Bristol will be the first full-scale facility of Wave Loch SurfPool technology in the world. Benefits of the technology include:
• Perfect 1.5m waves breaking left and right on the primary wave
• Three zones catering to different levels of ability
• Waves generated every 10 seconds
• Ability to adjust size and shape for competitions and elite training
• No working/moving parts in the water with surfers
• No permanent structures needed inside the lake itself
• Surfers will be able to paddle back to the start of the wave and therefore improve their fitness and technique
• Renewable energy R&D
Commenting on his technology and signing the deal with The Wave, Tom Lochtefeld said:
“Just like the ocean we use wind (pneumatics) to create our waves. After years of research and testing we found that this was the best way to deliver a vast quantity of almond-eyed barrels. By simulating ocean swells that shoal and break over our surfing optimized reefs, we can replicate an experience that is closely comparable to ocean surfing. Wave Loch engineers have in fact designed hundreds of wave pools for water parks, but the technology we will be installing at The Wave Bristol is a quantum leap in the evolution of surf pool technology. I love the ethos of the whole project and the concept of bringing the stoke to a huge range of people.”
This decision to change technology provider has not been made lightly and the process has taken several months, which has meant a delay in the project progressing to build stage.
Nick comments: “We are acutely aware that this decision has resulted in a delay for the project, however, we are still on track to begin work this year and open fully in 2016. It takes time to carry out due diligence to satisfy both our investors and ourselves, as well as understand the impact of the decision on other areas of our business plan. Having done our research and having seen someone riding the prototype, we are confident that this is definitely the best decision for our project. We are so grateful for the patience shown by all of our supporters and we are 100% certain that the benefits of using this technology will make the wait worthwhile.”
Nick said: “We have been working 7 days a week to make this project a reality as soon as we possibly can. It’s great when we take major steps forward and signing the deal with Wave Loch allows the next pieces of the process to fall into place. It’s a very exciting time indeed for the project!”
Read the original press release on Wave Loch and The Wave Bristol.

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