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Surfer Statistics [Infographic] – The Common U.S. Surfer


Historically, surfers have been considered a fringe group with lower than average education, income and socio-economic impact.  In a 2011 study of over 5000 U.S. surfers polled by Surfrider Foundation, results suggest that these historical anecdotes shall remain a relic of the past and that surfers have a substantially larger impact on the regional economics than once projected. The surfer statistics infographic below depicts a few of the key findings from this study.

Tweetable stats:

– The average surfer is 34, owns 4 boards and makes $75K/year.  Tweet This

– The average surfer drives 10 miles to surf and spends $40 per session. Tweet This

– U.S. Surfers spend 3.1B on local surf trips each year. Tweet This


U.S. Surfer Statistics Infographic

Credit:  Infographic by: Cassie Byers

Data from: A Socioeconomic and Recreational Profile of Surfers in the United States




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