Last week we teased the opening of Wave Park South Korea, the newest Wavegarden powered surf pool, with a couple of quick clips of Jacob Szekely going loony on a perfect artificial air section. Today we have lots more of that. Szekely, from La Jolla, is the first international surfer to test Wave Park, and he gave it a sparkling review. Especially the new air section. “They made the section by actually anchoring an obstruction to the bottom of the pool,” Szekely told STAB. “Depending on how fast you race to the section and if you go outward or inward rotation you can choose to land in different spots. There’s also kind of a softer point if you hit the section early and project out and clear the section. I would do a turn or try and stall at the first point of the wave to try and purposefully hit the section as late as possible. To be honest, I’ve never been good at alley-oops and the fact that I was able to stomp a couple full-rotation ones on that section was amazing to me.” Surf pool’s have come a long way in a few short years. And with so many competing technologies on the market, there’s no reason for that trajectory to change course now.

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