The second we saw Seth Moniz stomp a wild backflip at BSR, we knew the Waco wedge would do more for the progression of aerial surfing than any wave before. And it has. With each passing month, a new surfer lands a new trick in the middle of Texas. And with COVID canceling international travel, Waco has taken center stage for performance surfing in the states this summer, hosting everyone from Kelly Slater to Mason Ho as of late.
But this trick — a superman to fingerflip — from Jacob Szekely, tops them all. According to an interview with STAB, Szekely landed this air after about 20 attempts, a few broken boards and a couple of busted fins. With a pro skater like Greyson Fletcher on the wall rooting Szekely on, it’s no wonder he stomped this skate-inspired trick. The only question now is: What’s next?

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