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Surf Lakes International to Begin Making Waves in 2018

News Release: The Business of Surf
July 16, 2018
Surf Lakes International Wave Generating System | Surf Park Central

Surf Lakes Wave Generating System Installation Underway. Image: Surf Lakes International

Gold Coast, QLD: Surf Lakes International has entered the final phase of construction of Australia’s first full scale surfing wave pool. When in full operation, a Surf Lakes commercial lake will be capable of producing potentially up to 2,400 waves per hour with waves of up to 2.4 meters (nearly 8′).

The lake and reef shaping has been completed and all will be sealed within two weeks. Most of the machinery and equipment has arrived on site and installation of the central wave machine, that will be used to generate large concentric waves, begins next week.

The site is located near Yeppoon in QLD, Australia. The waves are delivered across four reefs, each with a left and a right breaking wave. Each wave will be shaped differently, thus creating multiple sized and types of waves simultaneously.


Surf Lakes International Concept Rendering July 2018 | Surf Park Central

Surf Lakes has produced a new artists impression of what a typical commercial Surf Lake might look like. However the site in Yeppoon will not contain any buildings or infrastructure as it will initially be used as a demonstration site to prove and refine the technology while showing the tech to potential licensees, media and shareholders.

CEO and Founder of Surf Lakes, Aaron Trevis, is thrilled at the prospect of potentially having waves breaking within months, and he is eagerly anticipating viewing brand ambassadors and former world champions Mark Occhilupo and Barton Lynch taking on those first few waves.

Surf Lakes International Construction Progress July 2018 | Surf Park Central

Surf Lakes Construction Progress – July 2018. Image: Surf Lakes International

“I just can’t wait to see Occy standing in a barrel! As we see the parts of the wave machine arriving onsite, the reality and sheer enormity of the project is truly mind-blowing!”


Surf Lakes International Occy Site Visit July 2018 | Surf Park CentralOccy recently joined CEO Aaron Trevis and Director Reuben Buchanan onsite to view the progress. See the video below. “It’s just so enormous,” said Occhilupo as he surveyed the site. I can really feel the adrenaline starting to pump! I just better make that first drop!”

As previously mentioned this first site will not be open to the public and will be used as a demonstration lake for potential licensees from around the globe. Already there has been interest from countries/regions such as USA, Vietnam, Fiji, Portugal, Middle East, Europe, Brazil and also from within Australia.


Gold Coast based Surf Lakes International has developed concentric wave technology that is able to produce high quality surfing waves that closely mimic ocean waves. Construction of the full-scale demonstration Surf Lake is nearing completion near Yeppoon in Central QLD.

At full capacity, Surf Lakes International technology can produce up to 2,400 high quality surfing waves each hour because every concentric wave produced, breaks on eight reefs situated around the lake. Their plan is to license their technology around the world and build Surf Lakes as standalone surf parks, or incorporate into larger entertainment precincts, such as resorts or theme parks. Surf Lakes was originally conceived by former mining engineer Aaron Trevis. Chris Hawley (engineer) and Reuben Buchanan (corporate advisor) joined as Directors in 2016.



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