The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree in the Kerr family. At just 13-years-old, Sierra Kerr is already punting airs that must make her dad, Josh Kerr, supremely proud. Josh is one of the most talented surfers in the world in the air, so it makes sense that his daughter would inherit those genes. Still, the surf pool world is doing wonders for Sierra’s progression. While she already has the raw talent to boost backside straight airs and frontside full-rotation slob grabs, the air section at BSR in Waco, Texas is doing wonders for the speed at which she’s stomping new and bigger moves. It can’t be overstated how rare a section like the one at BSR is in the ocean. You might see one a few times a month, at best. But now, with BSR dialing punt sections up on demand, teen phenom’s like Sierra, Erin Brooks, and Jackson Dorian are spending chunks of time in Texas, practicing more airs in weeks and months than they would in a year. This is the future, folks.

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