Point Break Wave Technology Company has been created to develop the very best wave making technology, and produce the very best quality wave that can be surfed in a pool, lake, lagoon or pond. With our new reef and wave making technology, we are creating multiple take off points and breaks to maximize the surfing experience.
With our staff of Industrial Designers and Engineers, we have developed a new cost effective way to build surf pools, and surf lakes that are affordable for most start up ventures. We also now have a low energy cost way to produce waves over our new reef design. Our goal is to have a surf park in every state in the United States and in every country across the world.
Our new turnkey Surf Parks will be affordable to entrepreneurs that want to own a start up Surf Park. We are going through the process of opening our first surf park in Hanover, Virginia. We have crossed many challenges so new entrepreneurs coming into this industry do not have to face the same challenges we have encountered.
- The high cost of energy to produce a wave in the pool.
- Poor wave quality.
- Unproved wave technologies. Only in concept phase.
- Frequencies of waves produced too slow. 45-90 seconds per wave. (Needs to be to 10-12 seconds to be profitable)
- No multiple breaks and multiple take off points in the surf pools.
- Construction cost to build the surf pools with concrete and steel are outrageous.
- Poor industry success-too many surf park projects have failed.
- No turn key approach to build a surf park.
Summary of Point Break Wave Company’s Technology:
Working with a global association of entrepreneurs, water quality experts, and fluid dynamic engineers, we have been developing, testing, refining, and patenting a series of surfing wave pools, wave generation equipment, and standing wave solutions. These scalable wave riding facilities are capable of delivering cost effective, magazine quality waves into virtually any commercial opportunity.
Learn more about the Point Break Wave Company by visiting their website here.