Featuring: Rob Kelly, Jamie O’Brien, Cheyne Magnusson, Seth Moniz, Samantha Sibley and Tyler Warren surfing the new American Wave Machines PerfectSwell pool.
[su_youtube url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5khH9QfHNJ8&app=desktop” width=”980″ height=”820″ autoplay=”yes”]
May 12, 2018. Last week BSR Surf Resort invited a handful of well-known shredders to showcase the new American Wave Machines PerfectSwell™ wave pool in Waco, Texas. We showed you the teasers and you’ve seen the backflip (or 540) on Instagram from Seth Moniz. This BSR Surf Ranch edit Samantha Sibley launches an air and gets shacked, Seth Moniz does, well, a backflip… Jamie O’Brien was there along with Ben Garvy from New Jersey of the NUB Nation. When Slater’s Surf Ranch came about, then Wavegarden unveiled their Cove technology most of us though, “how could they do any better?” Not to say one is better than the other but this PerfectSwell pool produces a variety of waves with no wait time in between. Not to mention that in this five-minute edit you’ll see waves that you dream about and they now happen every day in Waco, Texas.
We hope you enjoy this BSR Surf Ranch edit because we certainly did.
-Surf Park Central

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